A crochet Christmas tree has appeared tonight, in our tree.
The pin-bow. Got to be creative!!
Well, in fact it’s a pin… but the way you’ll wear it will make it different.
Can you do a spider keychain?
A few weeks ago a boy threw down a challenge. You can see now how it finished the story.
Valencia Shopening Night
Next Thursday night (1st 2011) will be different and special.
A pin in neutral colors with brilliant pieces
This is one of the last products on our online shop.
November, 25 to 28, 15% off (on the online shop)
Happy Black Friday! and Happy Cyber Monday!
Your favourite products
Let’s do a review about your comments in the last raffle.
Don’t hide never more
Don’t be shy and take the bull by the horns.
Say: I’m a freak!