Today we want to teach you how to make a handmade bracelet. Besides you can get this accessorie for free… because we are going to give it away!
Follow the pictures to learn the way you make this four strands braid bracelet. After the image you will find the explanation in simple words.

1. Materials: a piece of cotton fabric (about 70 cm long), a pair of scissors and a stick.
2. Cut the cotton.
3. Now we have two strands of yellow cotton 70 cm long.
4. Find the middle of each strand and hold them over the stick.
5-9. Make a 4 strands braid. Remember how to do it here.
10. Separate the strands in pairs.
11. Get the strand through the hole.
12. Tie a knot.
13. Get the another strand trough the hole and tie a knot.
14. Remove the stick.
15. Tie another knot for each pair of strands.
16. Squeeze the knots.
17. Put the four strands together.
18. Cut them.
19. The bracelet is done!
20. Enjoy it!
It is easy, isn’t it? Are you going to DO IT YOURSELF?
Maybe you prefer win it in a RAFFLE…
We are giving away this yellow bracelet (unisex model). You have to write a comment below this text or in the posts that we are going to publish on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram o Pinterest saying that YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE. The deadline to write a comment is August, the 13th (2013) at 23:59 h (Spanish mainland time).
On the Wednesday, 13th we will publish the name of the winner of this cool yellow bracelet.
We will contact with the winner and ship the prize. We will only send the bracelet to Spanish addresses.
Good luck!
EDITED: This giving away is closed.
me encanta!!!
por supuestro quiero participar… que me toqueeeeee
La quiero!!!!!!!
Yo también la quiero, que para estas cosas manuales soy más torpe que un muñeco de futbolín…
Por los pelos he llegado! Quiero participar! Ahora para el veranillo esta pulsera quedará genial.
Gracias por vuestra generosidad chicas!
Un abrazo
Que cuqui!! Probare a hacerla a ver que sale!!!
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