halloween amigurumi silayaya witch bruja pumpkin calabaza spider arana cat gato

Terrifying Halloween amigurumi, witch, pumpkins, black cat…

They try to be scary, but… they are so cute!

You see, the world of amigurumi is like this. Well, actually any creation made by your hands is subject to your imagination. So once again, here you are the fruit of our inspiration: scary amigurumi!!!

halloween amigurumi silayaya witch bruja pumpkin calabaza spider arana cat gato

halloween amigurumi silayaya witch bruja pumpkin calabaza spider arana cat gato

For starters, a classic: pumpkins, the flagship element of this holiday . We’ve made them in different sizes, with and without monstrous face, all terrifying!

halloween amigurumi silayaya pumpkin calabaza

halloween amigurumi silayaya pumpkin calabaza

Then, two animals you usually see in horror movies: a spider (be aware, phobic!) And a black cat (be aware, superstitious!).

halloween amigurumi silayaya cat gato

halloween amigurumi silayaya cat gato

By the way, maybe you remember our first spider: the radiactive amigurumi spider with only six legs. This one is a distant relative…

halloween amigurumi silayaya spider anana

halloween amigurumi silayaya spider anana

And along with the movies of the genre, a little gore, why not? Here we have an eye hanging from its optic nerve, with their embroidered veins. Yuck!

halloween amigurumi silayaya eye ojo

And finally, the queen of the night of Halloween … Witch! The authentic, green face and hair in the wind while formulating their spells. Aaaahhaahhaaaaaa !!!!!!!

halloween amigurumi silayaya witch bruja

halloween amigurumi silayaya witch bruja

halloween amigurumi silayaya witch bruja

halloween amigurumi silayaya witch bruja

halloween amigurumi silayaya witch bruja

Are not they cool? Yes, but luckily this post is already coming to an end, because I can´t stand it no more!!  I´m hiding under my bed !!

Have a scary Halloween, but also tender and funny, why not?



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