falleras de ganchillo ofrenda Valencia Fallas

Falleras from Valencia. “The offering” in crochet

If you have never been to Valencia during Fallas,  you need to at least once in your lifetime!


Every March, between the 17th &18th , all falleras in Valencia dress in their traditional costume for the Ofrenda (the offering). During the Ofrenda, Valencia is filled with a wonderful festival atmosphere, and all falleras offer a bouquet of flowers to the Virgin Mary.

falleras de ganchillo ofrenda Valencia Fallas

falleras de ganchillo ofrenda Valencia Fallas

falleras de ganchillo ofrenda Valencia Fallas

falleras de ganchillo ofrenda Valencia Fallas

falleras de ganchillo ofrenda Valencia Fallas

falleras de ganchillo ofrenda Valencia Fallas

falleras de ganchillo ofrenda Valencia Fallas


8 thoughts on “Falleras from Valencia. “The offering” in crochet

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  2. Pingback: “Espardenyes” de ganchillo para bebé, indumentaria valenciana para estas Fallas | SILAYAYA

  3. Pingback: Las falleras mayores 2015, en crochet – SILAYAYA

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